Some Simple Steps to #unifythisnation

Too many politicians and special interest groups benefit by keeping us divided.

Let’s focus on issues that can bring us together.

Single Subject Legislation

Congress passes massive bills that no one has read with addressing multiple topics.  Some parts may have broad consensus, while others may just be wasteful spending or be economically damaging.

By separating bills into single subjects, our legislators can vote for the good, against the bad, and we’ll have a better idea where they stands

Separation of Powers

Congress has given its lawmaking power to executive agencies who write laws, enforce them and often adjudicate them.  There is too much power in the Executive Branch.  The courts often overstep their bounds.

Let’s restore the separation of powers.

Let Congress pass the laws.

Let the Executive Branch carry out Congress’s directives.

Let the Courts judge disputes and limit judicial review to when Government abuses its power.

A Single Standard of Justice

Justice used to be blind.

It now seems that the well-connected and politically favored get different treatment than the rest of us.

Our justice system needs to get back to looking at the actual crimes people commit, the harm they cause and the motive of the perpetrator.  We can’t be looking at either the victim or the perpetrator’s race, gender, nationality or politicsal beliefs.

Our justice system has room for mercy.

It can’t be corrupted by politics.

Voting Integrity

Voting should be easy, secure and reliable.

When we lose confidence in our elections, we lose confidence in our leaders.  That’s why we believe in:

  • Voter ID

  • Regular audits of voter lists

  • Excuse only absentee balloting

  • Transparency in canvassing votes

Confidence in our elections will #unifythisnation

Free Speech.

A republic depends on the free exchange of ideas.  Government must stop repressing ideas which bureaucrats find uncomfortable.

We must stop labelling information that contradicts a narrative as “misinformation" . . . particularly if it is well sourced.

Whether on social media or on campus, we must stop censoring the free flow of ideas.

Be Civil.

We can take the temperature of our public discourse down by being civil.

Politicians, media personalities and leaders need to admit when they are wrong, be respectful of the other side of an argument and learn to take a joke.

We’ll never #unifythisnation if we don’t learn to listen and respect each other again.

Let’s #unifythisnation

We can move our nation forward by restoring what worked for us in the past.

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